In Japan, harmful bats are damaging your house and family. If you find bats around your neighbor, let us know!
Japanese bats are hurmful and dangerous. Sometimes bats are found in residential streets.
In Japan, there are many problems about bat harm. Japanese bat tend to sneak into house and stay there for a long time. Bats tend to live in the attic of normal residence as their nest. And bats have babies from 5 to 10 in one year, so they rapidly increase.
Japanese bats are mostly called “Abura-koumori(Oil-bat)” and very small. Only 5cm tiny bats can sneak into the house from only 3cm hall.
It used to be rare that bats bring harm to normal residence. However bats are adapting human’s life, and becoming to live in residence.
Japanese bats tend to have a lot of viruses that causes allegy to people. And bats defecate a lot and may droppings on the floor of the attic or all over the houseyard. Bat’s droppings also cause desese or allergy to people, therefore it need to exterminate them soon as you notice it.
We are professional company of bats extermination, have a lot of experience and skills. Nobody kills bats to exterminate, eventhough we call it “Bat extermination” because of Japanese low.
Japanese bat extermination is that we kick out all bats living in your house, then we close the hole that bat sneak in, and clean up all dropings and sterlize the house.
If you find bats flying around your neighbor, It might be staying in the attic of your house. Please call us (0120-094-781) to get free bat extermination check.